Friday, January 16, 2009

25 Things...

I got this from a friend of mine and was bored, so I though I would do it.

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

1. I'm very shy until I get to know someone. Then watch out!

2. My goal in life is to be on "Saturday Night Live".

3. When I was an athletic trainer I had the chance to work with professional athletes such as: Maria Sharapova, Monica Sellas, Drew Brees, Ladamion Tomilson, Kenyata Walker, Michael Johnson and several others.

4. I prolong death for a living. AKA, I'm a paramedic.

5. I picked up and moved to Florida a year ago. I left all of my family and friends. It really sucks being by yourself at times.

6. I love the beach and ocean.

7. I'm a secret Princess.

8. I don't camp. Camping for me is a hotel room without air conditioning and cable.

9. I have been single for 2 years...and counting. Ugh!

10. I dress right. Meaning I put my right leg into my pants first.

11. I'm a very light sleeper. I love to sleep, but I only get about 3 to 4 hours at a time.

12. When I eat, I eat one thing at a time. I'll eat the meat first, then the mashed potatoes. No mixing.

13. I hate being tall. Why is it that all tall guys like petit girls and short guys like tall girls? I don't want my boyfriend's head at my breasts!

14. I don't believe in exercise. I have seen too many injuries and deaths due to exercising! (Just kidding. I am just too lazy to exercise!)

15. I have dated way too many firefighters in my life. But have you seen them, they are way hot in their uniforms! Maybe I should try dating a cop. They come with their own handcuffs! LOL

16. I have been able to travel to several places around the world. Germany, Austria, Amsterdam, Taiwan, Bahamas, Alaska, Canada and Mexico. I still haven't been to the one place I am desperate to go to... Hawaii!

17. I have 3 tattoos and 7 piercings.

18. I'm missing 2 inches of bone in my right elbow.

19. I want to get bit by a shark. Nothing that will scar me for life or leave me without a limb. Just a little nibble. It would be a great story to tell others!

20. I grew up listening to opera and classical music. My mom used to be a professional opera singer.

21. I'm going to the Pussycat Dolls and Britney Spears concert in March.

22. I have been 29 years old for 3 years. Even though I was born in 1977.

23. I'm the oldest of 3 kids, but the shortest of the 3.

24. I borrow "internet" from those who don't secure their wireless routers.

25. I gained 10 pounds in college when I was taking my anatomy of the human body dissection lab. I always found myself hungry for roast beef after I played with the muscles.

What can I say. I'm a bit on the boring side.