Friday, June 27, 2008

My "little slice of Heaven"

So with the rising gas prices and the fact that I am now paying almost $400.00 dollars a month to get to work (I make a 100 mile round trip 3-4 times a week), I thought I would let everyone in on why, to me, where I live justifies this ridiculous expense.   I moved back to what I consider my "little slice of Heaven"... that is until I can permanently live in Mexico, Hawaii or Fiji!  
I don't consider myself a great photographer, but I have to say, these pictures I took, are not that bad!  Enjoy!

A beautiful sunset overlooking the Gulf of Mexico.

Same picture, I was just trying to be creative.

This is taken at my favorite beach.  The area is very private, with many old trees that have been blown over by storms.  I have actually been walking here and believe it or not, come across a topless calender shoot!  

This is that same area of the beach.  I just loved the way the waves were crashing onto this old tree.

Most days on this beach, you are the only one there.

Sometimes it can be a bit tricky getting around.  When it's high tide, the water is up to your thighs.  But, under the water lies all of the exposed roots from the trees near by.  Watch your step!  

See, even the birds love it here!

Um, I don't think I need to explain the beauty in this picture!  Do I?!

This picture and the next were taken before a small storm hit.  The clouds were amazing!

My mom was with me when I took this picture, and when she saw lighting coming down from this storm cloud, she immediately got out of the ocean.  It was pretty funny actually!

This is a different beach that I go to where I can surf.

I took this picture after a couple hours of surfing.  Even with a wet suit on, I was so cold after I got out that my feet where white.  What is funny is that being from Michigan, I should be used to freezing water!   But the ocean this day was only 65 degrees!  If I were to go in it tomorrow, it would be a boiling 87 degrees!  I'm not sure which is worse?!

Well those are a few of my pictures from my new home.  It is an amazing and beautiful place to live!  To walk on a beach and be surrounded by it's serenity, definitely helps relieve my stress.  The only thing that would make this place "perfect", is if my family and friends lived here!  

So until next time!


Andrea said...

Nice photos.

Angelam9674 said...

see?? my pic is not your pic! it's similar (since we were sitting next to each other while taking the pics), but different (yours was taken with your cam by you and mine was taken with my cam by me)!