Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Careers and Meeting Cujo

OK, so according to my sister's roommate, I have been a bit delinquent in my blogging.  Well, I guess delinquent is a bit of an understatement since I only have the one original blog on here.  I'm going to attribute that to me being so busy, and not that I don't have much of a life and therefore nothing to write about.  
Not only have I been working, which I will tell you about in a minute, but I have been trying to explore exactly what I would like to do for my third career. Here are a few I'm trying out.

Human Shark Bait - This picture was taken after a small surfing accident.  But it didn't stop me from going back into the water where shark like to patrol.  Ah well, if I get bit, it would be a great thing to blog about! 

OK, so maybe not the smartest of jobs...or the safest, but it would be interesting!  How about...

Professional Sand Sculptor - I just was bored one day at the beach, and decided to whip up this little creation.  Not bad huh?  It was kind of a self-portrait. 

All right, you caught me, I didn't really make this myself, but it is still pretty cool!

Marilyn Monroe Impressionist - No, not so much?  It's a funny picture though.

OK, so I still haven't found my "calling" I guess you could say.  But, I'm not a quitter, so we shall see where the future will bring me!

Now to the job that I currently have.  Like I said before, I'm a paramedic.  Or in terms most will understand, "an ambulance driver"!  So I have been at this career now for over 4 years, and I do have many stories.  But, one funny one actually took place the other night, and I thought I'd share it with my reader (notice I said reader, I doubt I have more then one!).  
I've never been a person that is afraid of dogs, however, I am also not a huge fan of them unless they can fit into a duffel bag.  Exhibit A, my dog Phoebe whom my mom now has custody of.  (Long story there).  But look how cute she is!?  And only about 9 pounds, perfect!  

She is the perfect size. If she were to get upset at you, I have a feeling, you the person would win in the fight. But, what is up with people that have dogs that are the size of small horses?! Seriously people! By the time the dog is that size, there is no doggie snack that can make them happy besides a little, scared paramedic! Enter, me! So I went to a house to care for a patient and before I got out of the ambulance, what looked like a small, black, drooling horse came out to meet me. Here is what that beast kind of looked like. One of the first things you learn in my line of job, is that if the "scene" is not safe, don't enter. Although this small bear made me a bit nervous, I thought, "I'm pretty brave, and there are cute firefighters on scene, so I don't want to look like a total tool!". So against my better judgement, I slowly made my way into the house. Thank gosh they had put the dog in another room, so I was able to maintain my professionalism up until this point. About 5 minutes past, and I was actually forgetting that in the next room was "Cujo" reincarnate, when someone asked if I could go out into my ambulance and retrieve something. At that moment of me saying yes, that small dinosaur decided he wanted to make his presence known, so he let out the loudest and meanest bark I have ever heard!  Have you ever seen the cartoon "The Roadrunner"?  If so, you can pretty much put my head on the roadrunner's body, because that is how fast I ran out of that house!  In fact, my partner thinks she actually heard me say "beep, beep"! Whatever!  All I can say, is thank gosh the door leading to outside was not closed, because there would have definitely been a "Bernadette" shaped hole in the door! So it really wasn't my most brave, graceful or sexiest of times, but at least I didn't become "Cujo's" lunch! Needless to say, I guess my new career should be that of a comedian, because everyone on scene, all 10 of them, laughed pretty darn hard at my antics! (And the lovely picture of Roadrunner with my head on it is courtesy of my wonderful partner whom apparently I actually pushed out of the way a bit while running. Sorry girlie!) 
So there, a new blog.  I hope you, the "reader", found it a tad bit humorous.  I promise I will write more now that I am searching for my new career, and my current career keeps me on my toes!  So until next time, keep on keeping on!
PS.  When I got back to my work's headquarters after a long night of work, which included meeting "Cujo", everyone that I saw started "barking" at me!  Funny guys, real funny!

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